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A European strategy for universities


A Manifesto for a European Higher Education Interoperability Framework


In a jointly drafted manifesto, the workgroup outlines its intentions and the guiding principles behind its work. It aims to prioritise European public values create a trusted environment for data and information exchange focus on information security and reliability The key principles that will guide the workgroup include: sustainability, quality assurance, social inclusion, alignment with established standards and practices, risk mitigation, and data protection. By integrating existing technological standards and EU policies, the interoperability framework will aim to cultivate an open, adaptable ecosystem.

A landscape overview of the EOSC Interoperability Framework - Capabilities and Gaps


This document is one of the deliverables of the EOSC-A Task Force on “Technical Interoperability of Data and Services”. Its main aim is to collect the most up-to-date information regarding the EOSC Interoperability Framework, its main capabilities and implementation status.

ARF 1.2


Achieving the European Education Area by 2025


Artificial Intelligence for Interoperability in the European Public Sector


This report provides the result of a research study conducted within the context of the Public Sector Tech Watch, an observatory developed by DG DIGIT, with the support of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), that provides a knowledge hub and a virtual space where public administrations, civil society, GovTech companies and researchers can find and share knowledge and experience. The report’s primary goal is to offer an analysis of how Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are improving interoperability in the European Public Sector.

Berlin Declaration on Digital Society and Value-based Digital Government


Signed by the responsible ministers of all EU Member States, following up on the Tallinn Declaration on eGovernment, which endorsed the key principles for digital public services put forward in the eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020.

Call for sustainable and holistic support to European University Alliances


Joint statement of all the 41 Alliances

Catalogue of Policy Recommendations


Deliverables from the OpenU project.

Cleaning Up: Interplay Between European Standards and Verifiable Credentials for Higher Education Institutions


Student mobility is an essential topic to strengthen a fruitful discussion in engineering education. However, required administrative exchange documents such as transcripts of records, bachelor’s degrees, diplomas, and certificates are analog and there is no fraud-protection. Thus, verifiable credentials enable sharing for higher education institutions (HEI) because they are fully automated and fraud-proof. To explain and create a common base, we are examining the current work and standards. We apply a four-step approach: (1) code the descriptions of the standards, (2) identify the standards in different layers, (3) identify interplays, and (4) develop a coupling concept. We extend the knowledge base with a coupling concept illustrating the interplay of global, European, and German standards in HEI. Practitioners can apply the concept to develop an interoperable ecosystem to exchange verifiable credentials. This also builds a fundamental basis to enable the exchange of more detailed credentials such as micro-credentials on a global level.

Council conclusions on a European strategy empowering higher education institutions for the future of Europe 2022/C 167/03


Important policy document, includes interoperability in several places, including ".. high-performing digital infrastructures and services, which should to the greatest possible extent be interoperable and shared across Europe".

Digital Credentials for Europe


eIDAS2 Large Scale Pilot (20 MS + NO + UA) working on Educational credentials, professional qualifications, titles and licenses. Goal => Deploy LSP to test eIDAS Arquitecture Reference Framework and the European Digital Identity Wallet, provide feedback and improve ARF & EUDIW, and make a TrustModel proposal for Education under eIDAS review (eIDAS2)

Diigital Education Action Plan 2021-2027


EBSI Verifiable Credentials Playbook


Landing page to understand the technologies that make it possible for Public Administrations and Businesses to easily verify and trust information received directly from Citizens (or Businesses). EBSI Verifiable Credentials Playbook provides all information for integrating and becoming compatible with all systems utilising identity based on the EBSI framework. Building upon the W3C Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs), W3C Verifiable Credentials (VCs), W3C Verifiable Presentations (VPs), OpenID for Verifiable Credentials, GDPR, eIDAS, and other EU Regulations, EBSI is creating a generic profile for the full life-cycle of self-sovereign identity (SSI).

EBSI landing page


Landing page to EBSI cross-borders services

EHEA Paris Communiqué diploma supplement


EMREX qualitative study


EU CrossBorder and OOT for HEI/Edu Workflows and Infrastructures with Interoperability, Standards and Security


Looking at current efforts and strategies for implementing the Once-Only-Principle OOP/OOTS versus former Cross-Border CroB Principles in EU E-Government regulation/projects like SDG/TOOP/mGov4EU, we analyze these developments concerning the HEI/EDU integration, also looking at the different states and (central/de- central) structures in some EU Member States as well cross-border, where already digital services and standards are used, like EMREX/ELMO and EWP. Against this background, we make proposals for some improvements for interoperability for OOTS and CroB implementations for HEI/EDU with standards and security.

Erasmus Without Paper


Website with information about EWP

Erasmus Without Paper Assessment Report


Europass Digital Credentials Infrastructure


European Universities: A key pillar of the European Education Area



Final report of the study on the state and effectiveness of national funding systems of higher education to support the European universities initiative


Study from the Commission.

First Aurora micro-credential “Sustainability & climate change” awarded


Online article about the alliance Aurora's first micro-credential awarded.





Several European Universities alliances and innovators have joined forces, to work across borders and bring higher education and innovation closer together. European Universities were encouraged, on a voluntary basis, to cooperate with each other, as well as with start-ups and private sector innovators, including those associated to their alliances as well as members of the Coalition of the Willing.

Joint European Degree label and a legal status for European universities alliances: 10 Erasmus+ projects to put them in place


Information from the Commission about the selected projects which will work on the joint European Degree label or the possible legal status of European Universities.

Key considerations: 4EU+ Position on Micro-credentials


Position from the alliance 4EU+. It includes standardisation, common understanding and design & issuance.

Ludi Test


Test record description

New European Interoperability Framework. Promoting seamless services and data flows for European public administration.


Progress of University Alliance Projects


Report providing "an analysis on the intermediate progress in the period of 2021 – 2022 of the 17 European University Alliances projects funded under the Horizon 2020 Science with and for Society IBA-SwafS-Support-1-2020 call - Support for the Research and Innovation Dimension of European Universities"

Proposal for a European Interoperability Framework for Smart Cities and Communities (EIF4SCC)


Report on European Student eID Framework Proposal


Research for CULT Committee –The European Universities Initiative, first lessons, main challenges and perspectives


European Parliament study of the firts years of the European University Alliances.

Rolling Plan for ICT standardisation 2024


The Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation provides a unique bridge between EU policies and ICT standardisation activities.The Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation is drafted by the European Commission in collaboration with the European Multi-Stakeholder Platform (MSP) on ICT Standardisation and is updated annually. It lists all the topics identified as EU policy priorities where standardisation, standards, or ICT technical specifications may play a key role in the implementation of the policy. It covers technologies of 'horizontal importance', ones whose application have a wide impact across different technical fields, in the context of ICT infrastructures and ICT standardisation.

Seamless data exchanges for Erasmus Without Paper for 2022


Showcase real cross-border user journeys (secondary, tertiary, employment, Diploma, Transcript, etc.) under the self-sovereign paradigm using wallets (EBSI conformant wallets)


The European Blockchain services infrastructure, led by business actors (Member States), provides the set of business needs that allows the technical manager (DG-DIGIT) to develop a set of services that cover education needs. Worked by the MS, it allows the educational governance of all MS to be deployed, supports all types of education (formal, non-formal, informal) and educational quality regimes Every year more institutions find added value. In this series you can see, told by the institutions themselves, some of the user journeys of the so-called Wave2 Currently, in Wave 3, more than 40 universities and 7 university alliances are solving their own scenarios, internal alliance scenarios and even corss-alliances scenarios. With credentials of both achievements/educational activities, as well as identity or academic membership.

The Micro-credential Users’ Guide


Part of the MicroHE project. Looks into the topic of accreditation for online learning or Massive Open Online Coursework.

The governance models of the European University Alliances


Briefing from the European University Association

Towards a European Micro-Credential Initiative


European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) has guiding principles to proceed towards a "European Micro-Credentials Initiative".

Upcoming launch of the European Learning Model v3


Website from Europass; information about ELM v.3

White Paper on Interoperable Learning Records Data Transparency Working Group


Good glossary on credentials

