

Last modified on Jul 24, 2024 12:43

A public establishment created in 1955, the Centre National des Oeuvres Universitaires et Scolaires (CNOUS) has the mission of improving the living and working conditions of students and thus promoting equal access for all students in higher education. Cnous ensures the coherence and management of a network made up of 28 regional centers (CROUS), 16 local centers (CLOUS) and more than 40 branches. The missions of Cnous and the Crous revolve around 5 major areas: - Scholarships based on social criteria and social assistance - Housing, the Crous build and manage university residences - University catering, 642 sites throughout the national territory - Culture - Internationalization

Centre National des Oeuvres Universitaires et Scolaires
Public org (with members)

Participates in (Collaborations)